Who is Bethany Brown?

Bethany Brown is a senior at the University of North Florida (UNF) where she is earning a Bachelor of Science in Communication with an emphasis in public relations. She is a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America as well as the Honors and Scholars program at UNF.

While studying full time, Bethany works as a Resident Assistant, where she strives to build a strong community amongst a diverse group of residents. She also serves as the president for Baptist Campus Ministries at UNF, overseeing the leadership team in addition to coordinating weekly events.

Bethany holds extensive experience in Microsoft Office, Photoshop, and InDesign. She has also been entrusted with managing the social media pages of numerous organizations in recent months.

Because of her desire to impact lives, Bethany seeks to employ her communication skills at an international non-profit organization. With her knack for the Spanish language and fascination with foreign cultures, she is actively pursuing opportunities that would enable her to spend a significant portion of her career abroad.